Monday, September 20, 2010

Day 15: PUffz Donation!

 So. k. All my hardz wurkz finally payed off. I recieve my first payment in PUFF donation. Is about time. Yes.

I wurk very hardz and I need payment of PUFF.

THank you Kristie for PUFF.

Dis is me with the PUFF donation. RIght before I ripped into dem and ates dem. They were tastey.

I really appreciate PUFF.

Did you know for only 2 cents a day you can feed me PUFF? That's right.  2 cents a day= 1 can of PUFF per month!

Won't you feed me PUFF?



Kristie said...

Oh noez! I try to post and I get error 503 again!!!

Ehvee said...

I do not knowz what dis error is. I just say try agianz later.
