Monday, August 30, 2010

Day 4: MOnday. Workin Conditzons.

So. My workin conditzons suk. Do you seez dis?

I camez into work todayz and this is wut greeted me. Boss calledz itz "cubiclez" but I dink this just a CAGE.  Horrible, Horrrible. No eurogomics. Nuffin.

Howz I suppozed to work like dis?

Anyway. So.  I'll do it becuz I wantz PUFFS.

Kristie wrote "Tell us more about PUFFS."

So. I willz.

PUFFS: Deliciouz.



Restourceful said...

Ehvee, Can you help me figure out how to watch TV shows from my computer to my TV? I'm an old gal and all this computery and techie stuff goes right over my head.

Ehvee said...

So. K.
You wantz to run the HULU to the TV screenz. THis can be donez eaziely.

Firzt you getz a long cablez and you plugz this into your computr and then you plugs another end intoz your TV box. Then it wurkz.

IF you needz more explainationz u ask. k. Mama sayz she cans splains it more detail if u needz.


Ashley said...

My computer is running really slow and its shutting down on me i need help! plz answer i need all the help i can get

Kristie said...

I think your working conditions are questionable. I will see if we can get your boss to maybe allow you to hang pictures in your area. Perhaps it would make your cubicle more Ehvee friendly?