Saturday, August 28, 2010

Day 3 is Weekend. Satfurday.

So. K. Itz Satfurdayz and I no do techiz.  I dink I wurk nuff k?

So. For todzay I get mama and dada to drivez me to dis place. Big EDz.  I waz vury ammuzed by dis place. It has many thingz that hangz from ceilingz and stuffs. Many friendly waitresss.

I wanted dis dings called "hotFlapsCakez" but mama was like "NoooooooooOo." Rude.

So I has PUFFS. Dat was ok tho becuz PUFF is deliciouz.  Has I mention PUFF before?

After dis, mama decizded to drive FAR FAR FAR so I takez nap but when I wakez up I'm at this crazyz place! Mama say it'z call "SHOPPING" so we does this. 
Mama and Dada getsz me in stroller and we go inz and outs like 20,039,209 storesz.  Peoplz stop and poke me say "Cutest Baby Ever" and I wuz like "K."

I ended upz with like a sackz full of stuffz.  Cute fuzzy stuffs. Becuz I earned it becuz I wurked SUPERZ hardz during week. 

Then we drive FAR FAR FAR and I napz again and when I wakez up we are home.  Which is good becuz I have to update dis blog. Keep u readers in the KNOWz.

I go take long soaky bathfz now. Relax becuz being me is s t r e s s fulz.


1 comment:

Kristie said...

You should teach us more about Puffz! You must have enjoyed your weekend shopping and dining after a rough first day at work! Back to work on Monday!