Thursday, August 26, 2010

Day 1

YEah so.  Itz my firstz day on da jobz. It wus a hard day but I dids not getz as manzyz ticket as I thoughtz.

Mama thunk it was cutez to post dis picure of me whilz I workin. Rude. Yes.  I wuz buszy and this distractin.

HOWEver. I haz tipz for today.

Ehveez PrO Tip.
UpgrAding RAMz.

Upgraxzding RAMZ can givez u much betters. I highly reccomendz it.  Here yOu can seez me upgradinxg RAMz on my Mamas PC. I hirez kityt to help.

  Kittyz was cheapz labor. Pleasez do not judgez.  With RAMz you can do many tings. RAMZ are gewd K. SO you HIrez me for more RAMz.

O alsoz I am taking requestz for PRO TIPS so you ask me qauestions k.



1 comment:

Kristie said...

Ehvee, my kitty said she would assist if needed in the future.

Also, I think my laptop has a virus, any ideas?

You are the cutest tech baby, EVER!