Friday, September 3, 2010

Day 6: Bluez Screenz

Hello. k.  I skip couple dayz and my inbox getz spammed.  Mama explainz to me that a werk week isz 5 dayz not 3.  HOwz was I suppozed to know? k?


I has another question I will shares.

Lulu says : "Great advice on the computer running slow. I had the same issue, and it seems to be working. But a issue that I seem to have on my laptop is blue screens! Any advice?"

So. k. Luluz Bluez Screenz.  Do you not likez bluez?  There are manyz shades of bluez.  There are bluez bluez,  purplily bluez,  greenishy bluez, etc. I like bluez. It's prettyz.  Anyways.

If you are offenxed by bluez what you can do is getz a small paint bucket and put nextz to your pc. When the bluez happen,  just paintz over the bluez with color of your choice.  I suggezt maybe a rainbow of colorz. I dink rainbowz are vury pretties.

Don'ts you agrees?



Unknown said...

Excellent advice>

Jimmy said...

I am having a major computer issue. My computer keeps restarting out of no where, no updates or anything. Any ideas?

Ehvee said...

Jimmyz it weekendz. I answerz u on MOndayz. I don't werk weekenz.


Ehvee said...
