Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Day 5: It TuEzday.


Hopez u enjoyz videos I made. 

So. I anszer a question.

Ashley write: "My computer is running really slow and its shutting down on me i need help! plz answer i need all the help i can get"

AshLeyz. K.  Have u conzidered excerzise? Give your computerz whole grainz and make it run 2 milez in the mornings. Eventuallyz it will getz fasters. At nightz you gives it caffienenz coffeeez and that will helps it stayz awake and not shutz down on you. 

Kristie Sayz: "I think your working conditions are questionable. I will see if we can get your boss to maybe allow you to hang pictures in your area. Perhaps it would make your cubicle more Ehvee friendly?"

THat is gewd idea. I ask and I recieve. I gets this.

Pickturez is crooked becuz I fallz over when takin itz. Camera heavyz.



Lulu said...

Great advice on the computer running slow. I had the same issue, and it seems to be working. But a issue that I seem to have on my laptop is blue screens! Any advice?

Ehvee said...
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Ehvee said...

Luluz. I anzewered your quaestion in my blog todayz. You read k.

Bloggerz weird. It delets this first time I typez it. k.
