Monday, September 6, 2010

Day 8: Outsourced

So. k. Todayz is thiz day called "Labored Dayz."  Mama said that person in Americaz getz off Labored Dayz. That I no have to wurk todayz.  BUT I haz many tickuts and people waiting for my responzes.  So. I OUTSOURCE todayz wurk to kitty.  Kitty Pixel refuzed to wurk also she said thats "I getz holidayz too todayz. I Amercianz." so I had to go else whare.

This kitty is in some otherz country since American holidayz perventz wurk todayz.  Sometimez she hard to understandz thick accentz but thatz ok.

Jimmy wrote: "I am having a major computer issue. My computer keeps restarting out of no where, no updates or anything. Any ideas?"

 Jimmyz. Restarting is probluem.  Beforez it restart didz you overwurk computers? OR didz you set computers on stoves top? Don't put computerz on stove tops. They getz hot. If computer is hot, it may restartz.   Try Gatoraid.  I think lemon lime flabor is bestz.  Maybe the sugarz free kind so you don't get keyboardz sticky.


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