Friday, September 10, 2010

Day 11: Fridazyz.

So. k.  Todayz is Fridazy.  This is good. I no has to work tomorrowz. This been rough week. Outsource kitty was miszbehaving, interentz were missbehaving, there was the "incident" with my cage cubicle.

So. I likez to leave you all on gewd note on Fridazy.  So you seez that picture to the lefts? That is my Hallowenz Costume. Can u guess what it is?

Maybe you win prize if you can guesses.

Also I get commentz.

Nicole Writes:  "Hey Tech Baby Ehvee! What is your company name?"

You know, I never think bout dis. I suppoze shuld have company name. Maybe you can help me name company? Bonuz points if you include PUFFS in name.  Ehvee Puffs?

OH OH That remindz me. I find new fewd that good like PUFF. It called YOUGURT PUFF!!! VERY DELCIOUSZ!


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