Wednesday, August 25, 2010

My Mama said Getz a Jobz.

So. I turned 7 monthz old and my Mama toldz me I hadz to gets somthin called "job." At firtz i was confused becuz I do not know wut "jobz" is. So I googledz it.

I foundz meaning of jobz and that meanz sumthin you do to earn moomoo juice monies. I has to havez moomoo juices and PUFFS. YEs more importantly PUFFS so I can has job.  I am addeptz at tech support. I can clickz mouse and slapz keeys really gewd.  So you hirez me?

You followz my blog k?  I show u I can do it.



Kristie said...

Ehvee!!! Maybe Erynn could use an assistant!!

Ehvee said...

I cantz afforxd assisttance atm. BUtz I remember u for de future.