Hello. Yes.
Todayz I wantz to talk aboout dis Viruz problms thatz somez of yous has.
Kristie wrotez me and says.. "
Also, I think my laptop has a virus, any ideas?"
I haz. But. I haz questzoions about wut type of viruz does your lapztopz has. Is itz BLue Fuzzy VIruz or Brown Fuzzy Viruz?
Becuz the Brown Fuzzy Viruz is moar scarzyies than dis Blue Fuzzy Viruz. But doezn't madder. You treatz all viruz same way. You take medicinez. Mama givez me medicinez when I had did Viruz. So. Yes. So youz fill buket upz with medicinez and you dropz dis sick laptops in the medicinez for 10 miutes. K? Diz curez Viruz.
Ok? MEdicinez.
Ehvee it was the blue virus! The medicine worked! Send me a bill!
Thatz gewd. GlaDz I helpz. Dis one on my houze, don'tz worry boutz it.
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