Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Day 25: I iz okz.

So. k.  I feel betters today.  Mostly becuz I made of tuff.  I said dis before. Tuff. 

I post picture to left to show I is k. See? k.

Dada work super latez last night. I dids not get to sees him at all yesterdays. I hope he doesn't works so late today. Mama is cool and all but I lovez dada.

Mama did feeds me yogurts today tho. I luv yogurts. BLueburr burr flavor.

missjessiecakes said...
First off you are such a cutie pie. Second did you at least get a treat in exchange for the icky poke-y?     Hello Missjessiecakes. k. NO. I did NOT. Rude? Yes. k. I am supposez to get treatz???



Jessica said...

You are really cute!! Love the new picture. Do you send autographs? You are going to be the most famous tech support ever!!

Speaking of, I have an issue with my computer. It always says it has a update, and it never does.

Any tech support would be great!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, tis Rice. Workas Comp is a comp-un-say-sun for the ouchie at work. Dunno more. But, yah, when I got pokeys at the dog doctor, I got nom-nom yogurt puff things and extra PUFFS. I get dem for being a good search dog also, can you do puter search?